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 Forum Educazione Ambientale
 5th World Environmental Education Congress
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utente ritirato in data 22.02.2012

9799 Messaggi

Inserito il - 13 aprile 2008 : 12:41:47 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Mi permetto di segnalare questo Convegno internazionale. Se qualcuno desidera proporre contributi, sono ammessi solo in lingua inglese e francese.
Facendo parte del Comitato organizzatore e del Comitato scientifico (valutazione abstract e contributi ammessi come relazioni o poster) per l'Italia, man mano che mi giungeranno le informazioni le integrerò

5th World Environmental Education Congress. It will be held in the Palais des Congrès in Montreal- Canada from 10-14 May 2009.

The topic of this congress, Live together on Earth, invites the participants to contribute to the most important project of our humanity: to learn to live better the Earth, developing an hearthly fraternity within our Oïkos, this “house” divided between the humans and the other forms of life. The search of this “better living together” implies to tackle the questions of identity, solidarity and socioecologic action. We will explore the links between ecology, economy and écosophism. We will consider the way how the environmental education can help to fastening between them these three dimensions of our relationship with the world.

The general objectives of the Congress are:

to highlight and to stimulate the role of environmental education in the search of meaning and human identity;
to highlight and to stimulate the contribution of environmental education to the social innovation for the assumption of problems of socioecological nature and écodévelopment of the society;
to highlight and to stimulate the contribution of environmental education to the development of the public policies, about the big stakes of our contemporary society.
Secretariat of 5th World Environmental Education Congress – JPdL
Teléfono : + 1 514-287-1070 - Fax : + 1 514-287-1248
1555 rue Peel, suite 500, Montréal (Québec) H3A 3L8

Alessandro PD

Chi ama la Natura le lascia i suoi fiori
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