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 Hemiptera Heteroptera
 Heteroptera d'Israele: Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889)
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Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

785 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 08 febbraio 2009 : 22:51:50 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Classe: Hexapoda Ordine: Hemiptera Heteroptera Famiglia: Miridae Genere: Horistus Specie:Horistus turcomanus

Horistus infuscatus is a common Miridae in the Mediterranean habitat in Israel
Normally we find the H. infuscatus on Asphodelus ramosus L.
Usually in these times the Asphodelus is already flowering and the leaf r fresh

This year the winter in Israel is very bad. less then half of the annual rain fall and too hot and dry air.
This make all the system to behave crazy. some plants start flowering to early. Some in less qts because no rain. Its also influence insects. Some show up earlier then normal in the season.

The Asphodelus suffer also from the drought and the flowering is late and the leaf r look bad and less juicy.
This probably force H. infuscatus to look for other food soucrs at others plants
is not uncommon but this this is look much more strong

H. infuscatus on Asphodelus ramosus L.
Heteroptera d''Israele: Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889)
153,56 KB

On Anemone coronaria - pollen feeding? (no nectar in this flower)
Heteroptera d''Israele: Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889)
129,1 KB

Heteroptera d''Israele: Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889)
182,87 KB

On Tordylium aegyptiacum - Nectar feeding?
Heteroptera d''Israele: Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889)
155,7 KB

On Bellevalia flexuosa - Nectar feeding?
Heteroptera d''Israele: Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889)
130,96 KB

Heteroptera d''Israele: Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889)
127,43 KB

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Modificato da - Paris in Data 01 novembre 2010 21:47:38


Città: Sondrio
Prov.: Sondrio

Regione: Lombardia

5737 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 11 febbraio 2009 : 01:41:33 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Bellissimo soggetto e foto stupende, grazie Amir!

"La vita è l'arte dell'incontro" (Vinicius De Moraes)
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Utente V.I.P.

Città: Haifa

343 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 28 febbraio 2009 : 19:15:02 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
I think the first could also be H.lineolatus but it's hard to see from the photo.
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Città: Sondrio
Prov.: Sondrio

Regione: Lombardia

5737 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 01 novembre 2010 : 19:53:27 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
After Rieger's revision (1980), the specimens of H. infuscatus from Middle Orient (Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Syria etc.) may be referred to an other species:
Horistus turcomanus (Horvath, 1889).

H.infuscatus (Brullé, 1832) is probably present only in Balkan peninsula and grecian islands.

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