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 Araneae d'Israele (Thomisus onustus)
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Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

785 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 05 febbraio 2008 : 21:12:33 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Crab spiders are very interesting. Not only because what we see but special for what we can't see.

Some of the crab spiders are known for the ability to adapt there color to the surrounding. The colors of the Thomisus sp spiders vary between yellow, white and pink.

Although I usually found them on Yellow, White or Purple flowers they can found also on Red flowers or Green parts of the plants. Any way, this camouflage strategic is mainly not for the pray since many insects and specially bees not see the same color spectrum as us or potential predators like birds

A few studies from Australia and EU show that Thomisus sp reflect UV light and bees more attracts to flowers with spiders then same flowers without.

Follow 2 links discus this issue and there is more in the web

Follow some Thomisus onustus photos from the last weekend related to this interesting subject

White spider on red Anemone coronaria
The Spider lying in classic ambush position for prey
It's also less visible even his color is very contrast to the red of the flower

Araneae d''Israele (Thomisus onustus)
276,9 KB

In this photo when the spider was to nerve of the camera we can see how he very prominent, still the chance bee will note him is very low
Araneae d''Israele (Thomisus onustus)
276,04 KB

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Modificato da - PiErGy in Data 05 febbraio 2008 21:26:39

Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

785 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 05 febbraio 2008 : 21:26:45 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
The follow set is from same time and place
but as u will see this time the spider follow the rules

In this encounter it seem that the bee did not put attention to the spider and from the spider side he did not make any move. maybe because the distance was too far.

Araneae d''Israele (Thomisus onustus)
187,92 KB

Here the story end deferent since the spider win.
Araneae d''Israele (Thomisus onustus)
225,49 KB

This case show life is not easy. the spider wait on the right place but bothers all time from small beetles (see corner) that was tried to lay on is body and lags and make him shake his lags trying get rid of them again and again
Araneae d''Israele (Thomisus onustus)
177,14 KB

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