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 Zygentoma, Diplura, Collembola, Microcoryphia
 A bristletail species from Cyprus
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Città: Shefford

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Inserito il - 20 aprile 2018 : 16:06:29 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Each year when I have visited Cyprus particularly but also other countries in the Mediterranean I have been struck by the number of bristletails and related species that I find outdoors, under stones. I find this group fascinating but there seems to be little published (at least not that I can find) and very little on the internet. Sadly even with keys I doubt I could identify them myself as poor (and deteriorating) manual dexterity is severely restricting me in every day activities and in typing as well as in natural history as I cannot manipulate small things, undertake microscopy etc which is very frustrating. Fortunately I am still at present managing to take reasonable photographs.

There are two species that appear to be particularly common in Cyprus as I have found them there regularly and photographed them previously in 2014 and these were again seen at several sites this year. Foolishly I neglected to collect any but I do have the images.

I wonder if anyone could help as I am keen to know what they are and it would be good to get more people aware of these. Is there a specialist out there who could help with these please?

This first one was photographed near San Andreas, Korucam Burnu, in the north of Cyprus on 25 March 2014. I think it is possibly a Ctenolepisma sp.

Any specialist help would be very greatly appreciated.


A bristletail species from Cyprus
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A bristletail species from Cyprus
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