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 Delta unguiculatum (Villers 1798)
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Città: Buers
Prov.: Estero

Regione: Austria

12844 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 19 agosto 2012 : 14:34:40 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Zona d'Intelvi (CO) - abbiamo osservato per circa un'ora come l'animale ha portato l'argilla umida....

è la Vespa orientalis ?

Delta unguiculatum (Villers 1798)

Marco Bondini ha osservato qui "nonostante si trovasse molto vicino ad uno stagno, ha preferito utilizzare materiale secco che ha inumidito con la sua saliva (forse in questo modo riesce ad ottenere un nido più resistente)"

Stefano Mattii ha postato una foto del vaso che ha dato il nome famigliare "vespe vasaie".

Asciano Tealdi ha scritto qui: "Questa simpatica e bella signora ha scelto gli scalini di casa mia per venire a costruire i suoi nidi. Con palline d'argilla umida costruisce un nido che assume la forma di un'anfora. Appena l'ha finito, depone un uovo, poi va alla ricerca di un bel bruco morbido, lo infila nel nido, smonta la parte svasata, tappa tutto e parte a fare un'altra anforina. E' già alla quarta, che deve ancora fornire di bruco."

Paolo Assante inserito belle foto e scritto: "Un paio di settimane fa si posa sulle tegole della tettoia di casa ad Ischia questa bella vespa (che credo sia Delta unguiculatum) con un grosso bruco tra le zampe. Si mette ad armeggiare per più di un'ora nel tentativo di infilare la preda nella celletta, ma qualcosa dev'essere andato storto (avrà preso male le misure?) perché a metà dell'opera è volata via ancora col bruco tra le zampe."

"Good people don't go into government" (D. Trump)

Delta unguiculatum (Villers 1798)
Link - nothing is more dangerous than the truth - solo chi conosce il passato, può capire il presente!

Moderatore Trasversale

Città: roma

Regione: Lazio

32907 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 19 agosto 2012 : 16:14:10 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
No. E' Delta unguiculatum; il più grande e bello degli Eumenidae, o vespe vasaie.
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Città: Padova
Prov.: Padova

Regione: Veneto

8052 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 21 agosto 2012 : 17:12:54 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
L'Eumenidae più grosso in Italia dovrebbe essere Rhynchium oculatum.
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Moderatore Trasversale

Città: roma

Regione: Lazio

32907 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 21 agosto 2012 : 21:55:07 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Non ho avuto la stessa impressione. Sicuramente, è più corto.

Delta unguiculatum (Villers 1798)
93,6 KB
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Città: Buers
Prov.: Estero

Regione: Austria

12844 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 21 agosto 2012 : 22:33:15 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Valerio, facciamo cosi: tu fai un sito più bello del tuo favorito - e io sono sicuro che ricevi un grande applauso - è dopo beviamo una bella birra virtuale.

Fin' adesso ho trovato sulla misura sempre la parola "circa"....

Circa una buona fortuna!

"Good people don't go into government" (D. Trump)

Delta unguiculatum (Villers 1798)
Link - nothing is more dangerous than the truth - solo chi conosce il passato, può capire il presente!
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Moderatore Trasversale

Città: roma

Regione: Lazio

32907 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 21 agosto 2012 : 22:43:45 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Mi risulta che gli Eumenidae, a differenza degli Sceliphron, prelevano sempre terra asciutta e la impastano con la saliva.

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Città: Padova
Prov.: Padova

Regione: Veneto

8052 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 22 agosto 2012 : 16:05:40 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Messaggio originario di Cmb:

Valerio, facciamo cosi: tu fai un sito più bello del tuo favorito - e io sono sicuro che ricevi un grande applauso - è dopo beviamo una bella birra virtuale.

Fin' adesso ho trovato sulla misura sempre la parola "circa"....

Circa una buona fortuna!

? Ma cosa significa quello che hai scritto? Se hai problemi a spiegarmelo in italiano scrivmelo pure in inglese.

Modificato da - ValerioW in data 22 agosto 2012 16:09:03
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Città: Padova
Prov.: Padova

Regione: Veneto

8052 Messaggi
Tutti i Forum

Inserito il - 22 agosto 2012 : 16:07:59 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Messaggio originario di elleelle:

Mi risulta che gli Eumenidae, a differenza degli Sceliphron, prelevano sempre terra asciutta e la impastano con la saliva.

Rhynchium sp. sono eumenidi infatti, come correttamente dici tu, cioè "vespe vasaio".
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Città: Buers
Prov.: Estero

Regione: Austria

12844 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 11 settembre 2012 : 09:01:30 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Fra poco puo arrivare a casa mia....

Mader D. (2001): Einwanderung der Delta-Lehmwespe Delta unguiculatum (VILLERS 1789) (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) in das Alpenrheintal (Österreich und Schweiz). - Linzer biol. Beiträge. 33/2 (819-826)

A b s t r a c t : The mediterranean delta mud wasp Delta unguiculatum (VILLERS 1789) (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea, Eumenidae) has wandered from the Mediterranean Sea along the Rhone valley in upstream direction, has then immigrated into the Saone valley and has followed it in upstream direction, and has subsequently further expanded in various side valleys of the Saone in upstream direction towards northeast to north. Via the Doubs, which is the greatest tributary of the Saöne, D. unguiculatum has reached the Burgundian Gate that represents a gently undulating watershed between the Rhine and its tributaries in the east and the Saöne and its tributaries in the west between the Vosges in the north and the Swiss Jurassic in the south. From the Burgundian Gate, D. unguiculatum has entered the Upper Rhine Graben along the Rhine-Rhone-Channel and has then wandered within the Upper Rhine Graben in downstream direction from south to north. From the southern end of the Upper Rhine Graben, D. unguiculatum has also accessed the High Rhine valley and has migrated therein from Basel at the termination of the High Rhine valley into the Upper Rhine Graben in the west up to Stein at the efflux of the High Rhine from Lake Constance in the east, and has then further advanced from west to east along the northern margin of Lake Constance via Radolfzell, Überlingen and Friedrichshafen up to Lindau as well as along the southern margin of Lake Constance via Kreuzungen, Romanshorn and Rorschach up to Lustenau and Bregenz at the termination of the Alpine Rhine into Lake Constance. The easternmost nesting site of D. unguiculatum in the greater surroundings of Lake Constance is located in Wangen in the Allgäu which it has reached by wandering from the margin of Lake Constance along the Argen valley in upstream direction. At the termination of the Alpine Rhine into Lake Constance between Lustenau and Bregenz, D. unguiculatum has immigrated into the Alpine Rhine valley and has advanced therein from north to south up to Oberriet and Riithi north of Feldkirch where its upstream wandering along the Alpine Rhine valley from Lake Constance has actually stopped. Because no mason nests of D. unguiculatum have been found between Oberriet and Riithi north of Feldkirch and Sargans in the Alpine Rhine valley, whereas relatively fresh mason nests have been discovered in Sargans and Chur, D. unguiculatum has arrived in Sargans and Chur not via the Alpine Rhine valley between Lake Constance and Sargans, but has entered the Alpine Rhine valley laterally near Sargans, has then further advanced in the Alpine Rhine valley from north to south in upstream direction, and has thus also reached Chur. This lateral immigration street into the Alpine Rhine valley near Sargans is confirmed by numerous mason nests of D. unguiculatum along a chain of nesting sites in the Seez valley between Alpine Rhine valley and Lake Walen, at the margin of Lake Walen, in the depression of the Linth Channel between Lake Walen and Lake Zürich, and probably also at the margin of Lake Zürich.

"Good people don't go into government" (D. Trump)

Delta unguiculatum (Villers 1798)
Link - nothing is more dangerous than the truth - solo chi conosce il passato, può capire il presente!
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Città: Padova
Prov.: Padova

Regione: Veneto

8052 Messaggi
Tutti i Forum

Inserito il - 11 settembre 2012 : 12:01:17 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Nice! It was so hard for me to find it, and it never happened when I was equipped with my camera.
Messaggio originario di Cmb:

Fra poco puo arrivare a casa mia....

Mader D. (2001): Einwanderung der Delta-Lehmwespe Delta unguiculatum (VILLERS 1789) (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) in das Alpenrheintal (Österreich und Schweiz). - Linzer biol. Beiträge. 33/2 (819-826)

A b s t r a c t : The mediterranean delta mud wasp Delta unguiculatum (VILLERS 1789) (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea, Eumenidae) has wandered from the Mediterranean Sea along the Rhone valley in upstream direction, has then immigrated into the Saone valley and has followed it in upstream direction, and has subsequently further expanded in various side valleys of the Saone in upstream direction towards northeast to north. Via the Doubs, which is the greatest tributary of the Saöne, D. unguiculatum has reached the Burgundian Gate that represents a gently undulating watershed between the Rhine and its tributaries in the east and the Saöne and its tributaries in the west between the Vosges in the north and the Swiss Jurassic in the south. From the Burgundian Gate, D. unguiculatum has entered the Upper Rhine Graben along the Rhine-Rhone-Channel and has then wandered within the Upper Rhine Graben in downstream direction from south to north. From the southern end of the Upper Rhine Graben, D. unguiculatum has also accessed the High Rhine valley and has migrated therein from Basel at the termination of the High Rhine valley into the Upper Rhine Graben in the west up to Stein at the efflux of the High Rhine from Lake Constance in the east, and has then further advanced from west to east along the northern margin of Lake Constance via Radolfzell, Überlingen and Friedrichshafen up to Lindau as well as along the southern margin of Lake Constance via Kreuzungen, Romanshorn and Rorschach up to Lustenau and Bregenz at the termination of the Alpine Rhine into Lake Constance. The easternmost nesting site of D. unguiculatum in the greater surroundings of Lake Constance is located in Wangen in the Allgäu which it has reached by wandering from the margin of Lake Constance along the Argen valley in upstream direction. At the termination of the Alpine Rhine into Lake Constance between Lustenau and Bregenz, D. unguiculatum has immigrated into the Alpine Rhine valley and has advanced therein from north to south up to Oberriet and Riithi north of Feldkirch where its upstream wandering along the Alpine Rhine valley from Lake Constance has actually stopped. Because no mason nests of D. unguiculatum have been found between Oberriet and Riithi north of Feldkirch and Sargans in the Alpine Rhine valley, whereas relatively fresh mason nests have been discovered in Sargans and Chur, D. unguiculatum has arrived in Sargans and Chur not via the Alpine Rhine valley between Lake Constance and Sargans, but has entered the Alpine Rhine valley laterally near Sargans, has then further advanced in the Alpine Rhine valley from north to south in upstream direction, and has thus also reached Chur. This lateral immigration street into the Alpine Rhine valley near Sargans is confirmed by numerous mason nests of D. unguiculatum along a chain of nesting sites in the Seez valley between Alpine Rhine valley and Lake Walen, at the margin of Lake Walen, in the depression of the Linth Channel between Lake Walen and Lake Zürich, and probably also at the margin of Lake Zürich.
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