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Utente Senior

Città: Ozzano dell'Emilia
Prov.: Bologna

Regione: Emilia Romagna

3230 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 11 marzo 2012 : 23:00:01 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Ciao a tutti!

Crisomelide fotografato in Val di Fiemme (TN), a inizio agosto. Potrebbe trattarsi di un Cryptocephalus transiens ?

Cryptocephalus sp.
143,1 KB



Modificato da - elleelle in Data 13 marzo 2012 11:28:32

Klaas Reißmann
Utente Senior

Città: Kamp-Lintfort, Nordreno-Vestfalia

Regione: Germany

1614 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 11 marzo 2012 : 23:34:47 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
It would always be good in photos to have an information about the size of the beetle. Size matters very much sometimes. Cryptocephalus transiens has got the size of 4,4 - 5,5 mm. Its occurence is in the southeastern alps and in the Danube basin. I don't think that the Val di Fiemme is in the southeastern alps (looking at Google Earth), but in the middle alps and it even is not the Danube basin. So I don't think it is C. transiens. I does seem to be Cryptocephalus aureolus, but it also can be C. hypochaeridis. C. aureolus is much bigger than C. hypochaeridis. That's why I ask for the size of the beetle.

At least it is very difficult to identify the green Cryptocephalus by photo and there will always be some insecurity in identifying them.

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Utente Senior

Città: Ozzano dell'Emilia
Prov.: Bologna

Regione: Emilia Romagna

3230 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 12 marzo 2012 : 07:36:30 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Thanks for your quick answer!

A couple of years ago I found a similar Cryptocephalus in the same place, and it was identified as Cryptocephalus transiens. So I thought the same for this one...but it seems not so easy ; Val di Fiemme infact is not in southeastern alps, but in middle-eastern alps.
About the size, if I can remember correctly, it was about 5-6 mm.


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Klaas Reißmann
Utente Senior

Città: Kamp-Lintfort, Nordreno-Vestfalia

Regione: Germany

1614 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 12 marzo 2012 : 17:34:25 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Buon Pomeriggio Stefano,

it is important for those small Cryptocephalus that the size is not evaluated, but known, because of measuring it up. 5 mm could be you're right, 6 mm means you're not right in your identification.

I do trust very much in this pages:


And they report Cryptocephalus transiens for norhtern Italy. Cryptocephalus transiens is a new species which was reported in former times as subspecies of Cryptocephalus hypochaeridis which is reported from northwestern Italy. Identification by looking at the genitalia and the punctation of the Elytra. The Elytra can't be seen well enough to differ between those two species and there still is C. aureolus it could also be.

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Utente Senior

Città: Ozzano dell'Emilia
Prov.: Bologna

Regione: Emilia Romagna

3230 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 12 marzo 2012 : 22:05:22 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
I also found these subjects in the same place a couple of days later. Same size of the previous one.

Maybe in these photos it's possible to see well the Elytreal punctation, but I think it's still impossible to identify the species..

Cryptocephalus sp.
197,42 KB


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Utente Senior

Città: Ozzano dell'Emilia
Prov.: Bologna

Regione: Emilia Romagna

3230 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 12 marzo 2012 : 22:05:49 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Cryptocephalus sp.
113,97 KB


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Klaas Reißmann
Utente Senior

Città: Kamp-Lintfort, Nordreno-Vestfalia

Regione: Germany

1614 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 13 marzo 2012 : 00:40:59 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
The mating beetles are totally different. This is genus Chrysolina. Hard to say, if it is C. herbacea, C. graminis or something of the italian fauna. The third is a different specimen, not the same as it is on the first photo. This one is, in my mind, Cryptocephalus sericeus.

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Utente Senior

Città: Ozzano dell'Emilia
Prov.: Bologna

Regione: Emilia Romagna

3230 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 14 marzo 2012 : 23:02:24 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Ok! Thanks Klaas! You're very kind!


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