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Utente Senior

Città: Decimomannu
Prov.: Cagliari

Regione: Sardegna

1229 Messaggi
Biologia Marina

Inserito il - 10 agosto 2010 : 22:15:57 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Ciao ragazzi
mi sapreste dare le descrizioni originali delle Haliotis mediterranee?
Grazie in anticipo

Ho una grande collezione di conchiglie, che tengo sparse per le spiagge di tutto il mondo.
Steven Wright


Utente Senior

Città: Livorno
Prov.: Livorno

Regione: Toscana

3886 Messaggi
Biologia Marina

Inserito il - 11 agosto 2010 : 10:30:52 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Caro Andrea,
ti allego quanto chiedi, ma poi fammi sapere se davvero ti sono servite.
Haliotis mykonosensis Owen, Hanavan & Hall 2001
Shell morphology:
The species exhibits a thin, oblongovate, flatly convex shell with between four and seven open respiratory pores. The exterior has fine, smooth spiral
cording, with a shallow post-syphonic groove, infrequently found with larnellae at shell sizes smaller than 25 mrn. The exterior shell coloration is variegated olive green, brown, and beige with an occasional totally orange
form. The shell exterior often forms a fine radial tenting pattern of the other colors against the beige background.
The species has a thick epipodial structure with an elongated dorsal margin and smaller ventral margin. The ventral surface is covered with small wartlike
papillae and is pigmented. The mid-epipodial region, also pigmented, is covered with large, highly ramified projections, which often subdivide into complex non-symrnetrical branching structures. The number and spacing of these large projections vary from one specimen to the next. The basic color of pigmented areas is brown to almost black.

When examining the soft body parts of Haliotis mykonosensis and Haliotis tuberculata lamellosa, anatomical differences between the species are most evident in the epipodium. The side-by-side comparison of live specimens of these two species clearly shows that the large, highly ramified epipodial projections between the upper and lower epipodial margins of H. mykonosensis are very different from the small digiform projections of H. t. lamellosa). In H. mykonosemis, the projections subdivide into complex
non-symmetrical branching structures, which give the living animal a unique appearance. Larger specimens (> 25 mrn) have highly developed projections, which can be more than 6 mm in length. Haliotis tuberculata lamellosa has small digiform projections, which are simple, blunt, and seldom more than 1 mrn. Infrequently, a specimen will have longer projections (up to 1.5 rnm) with a small stellate structure visible at the tip when viewed under a hand magnifier. In addition, the lower epipodial margin of H. mykonosensis is not visible from the top view in contrast to the clearly visible lower epipodial
margin of H. t. lamellosa.
Differences in the epipodium can also be seen in the comparison of alcohol-preserved specimens of Haliotis mykonosensis and H. t. lamellosa. Haliotis mykonosensis has an elongated dorsal margin and the presence of papillae and pigment on the ventral surface. Haliotis tuberculata lamellosa has a more
elongated ventral margin, with a smooth unpigmented ventral surface. The pigmented areas of the epipodium of Haliotis mykonosensis are brown to almost black, whereas those of H. t. lamellosa are grayish green, dispersed in a series of vertical bands.
Haliotis pustulata cruenta Reeve 1846
Hal. testa ovata, antice subattenuata, spira elevatiuscula, spiraliter peculiariter nudato- et corrugato-striata; foraminibus subapproximatis, octonis perviis: sanguineo albipunctato et albido sanguineopuncfato pulclierrime variegata.
Haliotis stomatiaeformis Reeve 1846
Hal. testa oblongo-ovata, valde convexa, spiraliter striata, radiatim subtiliter plicata, spira subtermimli, elevata; foraminibns quinis perviis; olivaceo viridique marmorata.
Haliotis tuberculata tuberculata Linné 1758
Hal. testa subovata, rugis trasversis tuberculatis.
Habitat in O. Europaeo.
Haliotis tuberculata coccinea Reeve 1846
Hal. testa oblongo-ovata, spiraliter lirata, liris creberrimis inaqualibus, interstitiis transversim nmMitissime striatis; foraminibus confertiusculis, quinis senisve perviis; extus coccineo-rufa, lutescente-albo maculata et variegata, intus argenteo-albicante.
Haliotis tuberculata lamellosa Lamarck 1822
H. testa ouato-oblongâ, conuexo-planulatâ, lamellosa, aurantio-rubente; dorso inoequali, longitudinaliter striato; lamellis transversis strias decussantibus; spirâ suhprominulâ; interna facie margaritaceâ.
Habite.... Mon cabinet. Espèce très-distincte, qui me paraît inédite. Son épidémie est grisâtre. Diam. longit., 20 lignes et demie; transv.^ 1 pouce.


Modificato da - myzar in data 11 agosto 2010 10:37:17
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Utente Senior

Città: Decimomannu
Prov.: Cagliari

Regione: Sardegna

1229 Messaggi
Biologia Marina

Inserito il - 11 agosto 2010 : 13:44:18 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Grazie mille Myzar
mi sei stato veramente di aiuto

Ho una grande collezione di conchiglie, che tengo sparse per le spiagge di tutto il mondo.
Steven Wright

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