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Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

785 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 22 novembre 2007 : 21:48:32 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Classe: Hexapoda Ordine: Hemiptera Heteroptera Famiglia: Lygaeidae Genere: Caenocoris Specie:Caenocoris nerii
The following photo story is about Caenocoris nerii in one day in Israel.
Very common bug on Oleander (Nerium oleander L.) but not only as u will see later.

In this season we can find them in all stages accumulate on the Oleander's fruits making preparation for the winter (that come at last this week).

The first 2 photos show adults.
It's look that the fruits are more attractive then the juicy leafs . Most of the population can be found on plants with fruits. While Oleander with out fruits are almost deserts of bugs.
like many Lygaeidaes they look as prefering the dry part of the plant - like seeds

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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The female is larger then the male. Typical in may insects and true bugs.
Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
180,37 KB

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Modificato da - vladim in Data 10 novembre 2016 19:24:30

Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

785 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 22 novembre 2007 : 21:58:21 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Younger stages may find on the leaf, sucking the milky juice that can kill us easily.

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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Sharp eyes can even find just born, still groping on the eggs

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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And if u look under the leafs u can find eggs clusters

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

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Inserito il - 22 novembre 2007 : 22:20:28 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
So after many surprises, I was thinking if I can find a female in eggs laying act.
Not easy task sinc u need to look under the leaves and as I found, the female preferring the lower leaves near the ground.

So when I saw this I was exciting. A female with eggs.
Closer look show something strange, but since the leaves was on ground level almost, and everything was so small, It was not clear what going on there.

In the end, the female was to nerves and go off after a few minuets and I stay without any answers.

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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After the female go. I was tack closer look on nymph I was found on other cluster of empty eggs. its look this nymph suck the remains.
But this is normal behaver in many insects when yonger eat the eggs after hatching.
Still no answers

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

785 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 22 novembre 2007 : 22:46:44 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Continuing to look after females and eggs, I was be lucky again
again big female with eggs. but not fresh eggs that are more white.
So I'm not sure this is the mother.


At first the female was stand near the eggs. nothing special. but after a few minuets, (while me waiting beside almost frozen), the female get closer to the eggs and start use here Labium in strange manner.
Cannibalism in hemiptera is not rear but it's not something u see everyday. still Its not rear and the literature mention female eating eggs and nymph (usaly in lab).
still since everything was so miniature, I cold not be sure if what I see is a female sucking the nutritious eggs

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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So. I put full extension set on the lens and take closer look on the female
the female suck slow one egg and move to other. if u look into the cluster, u can see that some of the eggs are empty or look sucked
At close look on the labium, it's look as it penetrating the egg shell

So, do we have here Cannibalism?
I think so.
Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

785 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 22 novembre 2007 : 23:22:33 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
This story was not only stand for itself. a week before I was visit no far swamp area. At this area we can find the Cynanchum acutum L.
typical plant to Mediterranean Woodlands and wet lend in center of Israel. as the Oleander it's also poison.

So at this visit I was found a few adults specimens of Caenocoris nerii on the Cynanchum acutum. look strange but not imposable

A week after I was visit again at the dry swamp and that was what i found on one of the plants fruits.

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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In the beginning I was did not sure what I see. since I was saw at the same day 3 deferents species of Lygaeidaes. I was uncertain who is who

But short time after the first discivery I found this

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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Those are eggs of Caenocoris nerii
closer look show more then eggs

Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
226,93 KB

As u can see, some of the eggs looked sucked or empty.
at this stage I did not know who to blame for.
I still did not thought about cannibalism.
but what I have finding was a few specimens of Spilostethus pandurus not far from the eggs. and I did not see any adult of Caenocoris nerii

Spilostethus pandurus
Caenocoris nerii - Cannibalism story?
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my conclusion is that the S. pandurus eat the eggs.

And for what the C. nerii do on the C. acutum, I still don't know. I did not find relevant info on the books.


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Modificato da - vladim in data 10 novembre 2016 19:23:40
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Con altri occhi

Città: Sant'Eufemia a Maiella
Prov.: Pescara

Regione: Abruzzo

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Inserito il - 23 novembre 2007 : 05:47:28 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Amir... a truly splendid reportage. Thanks for sharing it with us. Looking so closely into the behaviour of these fascinating creatures is always a thrilling experience. I'm preparing a translation in Italian of your words, so that the others can share in them too, and perhaps add their own experiences or comments. Thanks again.

Amir... un reportage davvero splendido. Grazie per averlo condiviso con noi. Guardando così da vicino al comportamento di questi essere affascinanti è sempre un'esperienza coinvolgente. Sto preparando una traduzione in italiano delle tue parole in modo che puoi anche condividerle con gli altri, che saranno così in grado di aggiungere le loro esperienze o forse anche osservazioni. Grazie ancora.


"... mi rendo conto anche che non possiamo vincere questa battaglia per salvare specie e ambienti senza creare un legame emozionale tra noi e la natura, poiché non lotteremo per salvare ciò che non amiamo, ma che apprezziamo solo in qualche senso astratto" (S. J. Gould)
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