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 Forum Animali - Natura Mediterraneo
 Hemiptera Cicadomorpha e Fulgoromorpha
 A species of Cicadellidae from Cyprus
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Città: Shefford

Regione: United Kingdom

201 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 17 aprile 2018 : 17:55:45 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

After 10 years of doing so I have recently returned from leading my last natural history tour to the north of Cyprus. I had made the decision before I went that I must retire from tour leading as my mobility and manual dexterity are such that I risk becoming a liability to groups as well as to myself. This cicadellid species caught my attention as it was abundant on the trunks of Eucalyptus gomphocephala near to Girne castle and with large numbers more flying all around these trees. I have never noticed this there before or around Eucalyptus trees at at other sites. I have been unable to find any species given as associated with this host and do not know if it is indeed it's host but would be very grateful if anyone is able to possibly identify the species for me.

Many thanks

A species of Cicadellidae from Cyprus
80,3 KB

A species of Cicadellidae from Cyprus
85,36 KB
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