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 O. trinacria - maschio o femmina ?
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Utente Senior

Città: Malta

1461 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 26 luglio 2012 : 17:52:16 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Locazione Malta
O. trinacria - maschio o femmina ?
194,15 KB

O. trinacria - maschio o femmina ?
215,38 KB

Photos: Link


Utente Senior

Città: Mosta (Malta)

611 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 26 luglio 2012 : 20:25:57 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Hi Albert,
It's a male which is not yet fully mature. Females and young males are of a different colour.
O. trinacria - maschio o femmina ?
49,86 KB

Charles Gauci
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Città: Milano
Prov.: Milano

Regione: Lombardia

10487 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 26 luglio 2012 : 22:02:56 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
ciao albert

and moreover, in males (as that of your photos) and in females (as that of the last one) terminal appendages are differently shaped

don't rely too much on the color; very old females often become quite like mature males


quando l'ultimo albero sarà stato abbattuto,
l'ultimo fiume avvelenato, l'ultimo pesce pescato,
allora ci accorgeremo che il denaro non si può mangiare

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Utente Senior

Città: Mosta (Malta)

611 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 27 luglio 2012 : 09:37:16 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Hi Maurizio,
You are right about old individuals of odonata females approaching the colour of males. This especially so in Ischnura genei where females can be exactly the same colour as males (as in attached photo)
Other species, such as Crocothemis erithraea and Orthetrum coerulescens, are never as bright as their male counterparts.
Another point is that females normally perch away from water and only go to the water body to copulate and oviposit.
O. trinacria - maschio o femmina ?
35,85 KB
O. trinacria - maschio o femmina ?
32,03 KB
O. trinacria - maschio o femmina ?
44,33 KB

Charles Gauci
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Utente Senior

Città: Malta

1461 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 27 luglio 2012 : 10:26:28 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Many thanks to you both.
I had noticed that mature females which would normally be yellowish do change their colour and do come to resemble males, but i should have noticed that the appendages in this individual are close together which indicates a male.
I was not too sure about this one because of the yellowish patches on the abdomen, which normally are brownish.
Charles, would it be possible for you to let me know where you cames across this female ? I would very much like to add it to my collection.

Photos: Link

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Utente Senior

Città: Mosta (Malta)

611 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 27 luglio 2012 : 12:03:40 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Hi Albert,
I took the picture yesterday at Ghadira Nature Reserve (where I used to work and where I still carry out bird-ringing). I also saw females at Ghajn Rihana and in the valley below Mselliet school this week. The best way to look for them is by the side of the path (usually overgrown with giant reed) running parallel to the water body. Sometimes they are approachable but at other times they fly away quite easily.

Charles Gauci
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Utente Senior

Città: Malta

1461 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 27 luglio 2012 : 12:53:55 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Many thanks Charles, I will try to go next week.

Photos: Link

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