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 Photographic Guide to Exuviae of European Dragonflies
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Città: Haren

Regione: Netherlands

3 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 11 novembre 2010 : 15:23:32 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Excuse me for writing in English. My Italian is… not available. I hope you understand. I will introduce you to a project me and a friend of me are working on.

Some years ago I got in touch with exuviae after studying adult dragonflies for some time. I got interested in exuviae after finding a spectacular larval skin of Epitheca bimaculata in Poland during research. Shortly after this finding, I saw the importance of exuviae in studying dragonflies, because they tell much more about the presence of populations rather than a sighting of a flying adult. I started to create a collection and got Christophe Brochard interested as well. He, being a great nature photographer, suggested to make some pictures of the exuviae we found. The result of even the first trial was stunning and things got even better after improving the technique and getting a new camera. The results brought us to the idea of being the first to create a photographic guide to the exuviae of European dragonflies. We made a few previews and got in contact with a publisher. He got interested directly and now we got permission to go on with our work. Some of the previews can be found on the website of Christophe: Link

At this moment only a very few photographic guides are available and none of them gives a complete overview of all species with populations or incidental reproduction in Europe. Some identification works have been published to this subject, but they all make use of drawings rather than pictures. Because we are able to picture even the finest details (for instance the small spine at the base of the distal setae on the labial palp of Enallagma cyathigerum that can be seen on Link --> "Enallagma cyathigerum right page") we are sure to be able to picture all identification marks needed in getting a name to all exuviae found in Europe.

At Christophe his website a list of species is given (click "Species list described in this book"), so you can see if you can help us getting our collection complete. At this moment we still need exuviae of quite a large selection of species. As you might understand it is nearly impossible for us to collect all European species on our own. Therefore we would like to ask as much European dragonfly-enthusiast as possible to support us in collecting exuviae. If you know people collecting exuviae, please forward this message to them, so we enlarge our network as much as possible. Please feel free to ask questions and let us know what species you are able to collect. Some species from Italy are of major interest at this moment, like Cordulegaster trinacriae. We are really thankful to anyone helping us in getting this job done. I really look forward to your messages and hope that you are just as enthusiast to this subject as we are. If you have any exuviae available (also not identified ones) we might be interested in your help. Eventually we have a lot of material in exchange.
Best regards,
Ewoud van der Ploeg, The Netherlands

Utente Super

Città: Nizza

Regione: France

10135 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 14 novembre 2010 : 17:12:24 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Very interesting work!!
Danke U well
Tot Ziens!!

L’école buissonnière
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Utente nuovo

Città: Haren

Regione: Netherlands

3 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 16 novembre 2010 : 11:42:37 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Thank you Juventino,
Your Dutch is very good. It's nice to know that people like what we are doing. If possible, every support is welcome.
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Utente Super

Città: Nizza

Regione: France

10135 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 16 novembre 2010 : 15:48:29 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
You are very nice, ilt's the only words i am able to say!!
You country is very nice, people very friendly!!

L’école buissonnière
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Città: Milano
Prov.: Milano

Regione: Lombardia

10487 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 16 novembre 2010 : 22:14:24 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
hi ewoud

it's a very interesting project , good luck !


quando l'ultimo albero sarà stato abbattuto,
l'ultimo fiume avvelenato, l'ultimo pesce pescato,
allora ci accorgeremo che i soldi non si possono mangiare

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Utente Senior

Città: Malta

1461 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 19 novembre 2010 : 20:42:26 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
This is agreat idea Ewoud. I have very often come across exusiae while photographing dragonflies but never though of taking pictures of them, but next spring I will make it a point of doing so. Going through my files I came across this image where you can just about see one of what I believe to be a Crocothemis erythraea.
Good luck with your project.

Photographic Guide to Exuviae of European Dragonflies
296,07 KB


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Utente Senior

Città: Malta

1461 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 19 novembre 2010 : 20:52:51 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Hi Ewoud
Also found this.
Photographic Guide to Exuviae of European Dragonflies
226,49 KB


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Utente nuovo

Città: Haren

Regione: Netherlands

3 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 22 novembre 2010 : 11:11:49 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Many thanks everyone for being so complimentary to me/us. Nice pictures Xilpa! The first one indeed must be Crocothemis erythraea. The second one could be the same species, but it looks very similar to Sympetrum fonscolombii. The most reliable character is in the lenghtratio of the cerci and paraproct, which are not clearly enough visible in your picture. Please check also the species list on our website! We are still looking for "several" species.
Kind regards once again,
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Città: Milano
Prov.: Milano

Regione: Lombardia

10487 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 29 novembre 2010 : 23:20:18 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
the second one is too slender for a Crocothemis, also the dark squarish blotches at sides of dorsal midline indicate a Sympetrum fonscolombii


quando l'ultimo albero sarà stato abbattuto,
l'ultimo fiume avvelenato, l'ultimo pesce pescato,
allora ci accorgeremo che i soldi non si possono mangiare

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Utente nuovo

Città: Torino

16 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 24 marzo 2011 : 22:06:10 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
I think you can ask at this address info@odonata.it
And look at this site Link

Good luck for your project!
On may I will take some shot of exuviae in my territory in north Italy, if I'll see the species that you are searching for, I will contact you.
Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand.
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