Non ci crederete ma esiste una rivista dedicata alle ricerche sui suicidi (Archives of Suicide Research)...ed in questa rivista è stato pubblicato, nel 1998, un articolo su un disperato che ha provato (senza successo) a suicidarsi con Amanita phalloides !
SCOCCO, P., RUPOLO, G. & DE LEO F. (1998) - Failed suicide by Amanita phalloides (Mycetismus) and subsequent liver transplant: Case report. Archives of Suicide Research 4: 201-206.
Abstract The case described is a serious parasuicide (failed suicide) by voluntary ingestion of a considerable amount of highly poisonous mushrooms (Amanita phalloides). The liver transplant performed straight afterwards enabled the patient to survive, but after a period of relative well-being in the immediate postoperative period, her pervasive suicidal ideation returned to the fore in all its dramatic ambivalence. The difficulties involved in managing the case and the decision to transplant a living organ in an individual who has just attempted suicide are discussed.