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 Neoscona adianta - name meaning
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Città: Tel-Aviv

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Inserito il - 28 marzo 2010 : 13:12:42 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia


I'm trying to understand the sourcing and the meaning of the names - "Neoscona" and "adianta"

All the clues from some sources in the web lead to no logical (for me)place.

Any help will appreciate

Adding a Neoscona adianta while molting

Neoscona adianta - name meaning
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Inserito il - 28 marzo 2010 : 13:24:31 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
A very good photo and a lucky strike!
About the name, I don't know the meaning of Neoscona, except for the obvious "neo = new", while "adianta" should mean that this species prefers xeric environmets, whit little humidity.
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Città: Roma

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Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 28 marzo 2010 : 15:18:30 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Both are from Greek: Neoscona means "new dust", adianta means "dry places"
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Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

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Inserito il - 29 marzo 2010 : 07:23:36 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

An interesting explanation, still it's hard for me to understand what was in Walckenaer (1802) mind while he given the species name to this spider.

adding more 2 photos

The first show the male waiting in patience for the virgin female while she molting.

The second photo show (anther couple from same location) a "frustrated" male trying copulate. The female was trying avoid him most of the time.

Neoscona adianta - name meaning
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Neoscona adianta - name meaning
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Inserito il - 29 marzo 2010 : 08:12:30 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Beautiful photos!!!

L’école buissonnière
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Moderatore Trasversale

Città: roma

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32778 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 29 marzo 2010 : 22:49:35 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
I agree with Catherine abuot the photos.
As for the behaviour you have observed, sometimes males wait for the last molting of a female because only after it she will become sexually mature.
They stand waiting patiently because so they are shure to be the first.
But the female needs a little time for being mature; al least so far to get her skeleton dry and hard; what does not result of your last photo.
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Utente Senior

Città: Livorno
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Inserito il - 30 marzo 2010 : 17:53:18 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Ciao Amir,

beatiful photos, my compliments.
Regarding the name, I could find something with Google and Google books.
Walckenaer mentions the spider in Faune parisienne, insectes: Ou Histoire abrégée des insectes des environs de Paris (1802), on page 199 as Aranea adianta.


Adianta comes from Greek and means “not wetting”, in this case it refers to Adiantum, genus of "Maidenhair ferns" (Link), or ferns in general. The french trivial name of the spider is “fern spider”, adiante fougère (interesting that the German trivial name has another meaning; Heideradnetzspinne, where Heide means heath, heathlands or heath plants (Ericaceae)).

The genus Neoscona was introduced by Eugène Simon; in his book Histoire naturelle des araignées (aranéides) he gives the following etymology (page 261)


Neoscona (neo, filer; skoinos; roseau), that means Neo: to spin, to heap up, "bind together", Skoinos: something like reed or rush.


--- Lucarelli ---

Modificato da - Lucarelli in data 30 marzo 2010 18:02:12
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Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

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Inserito il - 02 aprile 2010 : 06:41:08 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Thanks to all

As to the "Neoscona", since it's referring the genus name and we r not sure which spider's species was first won the name, its hard to say how the meaning is related to the N.adianta behaves, if so.

Add a photo of an eggs sac, which attached to a Apiaceae inflorescence used by a big N. adianta female as web anchor.

Neoscona adianta - name meaning
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Utente Senior

Città: Tel-Aviv

Regione: Israel

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Inserito il - 03 aprile 2010 : 05:48:19 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Here the eggs sac as it look from yesterday
Strangely the eggs cluster was hang outside (who open the sac?)
The female was not there (also the web go)

This is the only egg sac in the vicinity, there r many mature females around, but this is the only eggs sac I found there.
I'm still not sure its belong to Neoscona adianta. There is also Agalenatea redii 30 cm beside. who know?

Neoscona adianta - name meaning
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