Galleria Tassonomica di
Natura Mediterraneo
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Utente nuovo
Città: Sheringham, Norfolk
Regione: United Kingdom
19 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |

Città: Rocca di Papa
Prov.: Roma
Regione: Lazio
13572 Messaggi Flora e Fauna |
Inserito il - 07 settembre 2007 : 09:40:17
Hi John, well, the second half of October is not the best period of the year to look for butterflies in the wild in the Mediterranean area: you can find most of the species that have more than one generation, but it depends of course on the weather, temperature and so on: May would be better , in May you could meet very interesting species like Papilio alexanor, Anthocharis damone, Melitaea aetherie... So, among the possible "targets" in October, maybe it's not too late for Charaxes jasius, some Gegenes (Skippers), Argynnis pandora; but I'd have to check the species you don't get in the UK, it's possible that there are many more species I'm not thinking at...
If you are interested also in moths, the number of interesting species increases, we can speak about that... 
All the best, Paolo
Paolo Mazzei Link Link |
Utente nuovo
Città: Sheringham, Norfolk
Regione: United Kingdom
19 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |
Inserito il - 10 settembre 2007 : 06:57:13
Grazie, Paolo. |
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