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 Coleoptera e Strepsiptera
 A Chrysomelid from Malta; Podagrica sp.
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Utente V.I.P.

Città: Shefford

Regione: United Kingdom

201 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 21 maggio 2017 : 13:58:26 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

This is another of the beetle species that I found and photographed on Malta in 2015. I think this one is Chrysomelidae and probably Podagrica malvae. I would however appreciate confirmation or correction of this from a specialist Coleopterist. It was numerous in flowers and on leaves of Malva near Hotel Corinthia Palace, Attard, Malta on 21 April 2015. Specimens were just 3mm long and capable of jumping well.

Many thanks


Modificato da - Chalybion in Data 22 maggio 2017 21:16:13

Utente V.I.P.

Città: Shefford

Regione: United Kingdom

201 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 21 maggio 2017 : 14:00:38 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
I inadvertently clicked send before I intended!

Here is the first image......
A Chrysomelid from Malta; Podagrica sp.
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Utente V.I.P.

Città: Shefford

Regione: United Kingdom

201 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 21 maggio 2017 : 14:02:04 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Here is a second image.....

Many thanks

A Chrysomelid from Malta; Podagrica sp.
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Città: Bagnacavallo
Prov.: Ravenna

Regione: Emilia Romagna

13110 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 22 maggio 2017 : 21:15:42 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
malvae is the only one present as faunaeur shows; mentriesii is a very closed species, both on Malvaceae. Colours are variable so the best I can suggest is to check accuratly the puncturation of elitra. In theese photos is hard to me and some goes to malvae (general shape) and some else to menetriesii(possibly puncturation, the little is possible to evaluate).
malvae has often puncturation most regular in single striae;
menetriesii , shorter in shape, has locally (most along suture) puncturation in double closed striae, elsewhere points are confused; often legs are darker.
Dissection is often the only to have certitude, but as I said malvae is the only for Faunaeur.
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Utente V.I.P.

Città: Shefford

Regione: United Kingdom

201 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 23 maggio 2017 : 11:39:10 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Many thanks Giorgio.

I have looked at the specimen and confirm that from the puncturation it also fits to P.malvae. Unfortunately manual dexterity problems now make it impossible for me to do genitalia dissection. I was not previously aware of P. menetriesii so it was helpful to also have the distinguishing characters to separate these two.

Thank you again. I am very grateful for all your help.

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