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Utente Super
Città: Napoli
Prov.: Napoli
Regione: Campania
11878 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |
Klaas Reißmann
Utente Senior
Città: Kamp-Lintfort, Nordreno-Vestfalia
Regione: Germany
1614 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |
Inserito il - 21 aprile 2012 : 21:20:21
The photos are to much blurred, but it is no Pterostichus, but genera Harpalus.
Ciao Klaas |
Utente Super
Città: Napoli
Prov.: Napoli
Regione: Campania
11878 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |
Inserito il - 22 aprile 2012 : 02:44:32
Perhaps I have determined it too superficially, because often I have found Pterostichus melas entered in the home from the outside. To comparing and to confirming, this is a Pterostichus melas? And what are the main distinctive characters between the two species? Thanks.
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Verrà il giorno in cui uccidere un animale sarà considerato un delitto al pari di uccidere un uomo. (Leonardo da Vinci) |
Klaas Reißmann
Utente Senior
Città: Kamp-Lintfort, Nordreno-Vestfalia
Regione: Germany
1614 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |
Inserito il - 22 aprile 2012 : 10:31:11
My knowledge in genus Pterostichus is to small to differenciate the huge number of species occuring in Europe. I can only tell that the one in your last photo is genus Pterostichus. For a correct ID I would need the beetle and perhaps would have to send it to someone else who is able to identify.
I'm not sure if the scientifical characters to differenciate between Pterostichus and Harpalus will really make you happy. One of the most important is a bristle placed on the inner border of the eyes. It is the supraorbital bristle and Pterostichus having two of them, Harpalus only one. The bristle easily brake so you better look about the round cell from which the bristle arises.
A good overview that does not always fit is the habitus. Harpalus is more compact whereas Pterostichus is more elongate. But as I wrote there are some species in Pterostichus that are compact, too, like P. burmeisteri f.e.
I guess you have to work on it and within a few years you get more or less a feeling which is Harpalus and which not. And normally it gets more difficult to differ between Harpalus and Amara. Have a look at Amara aulica. I guess nearly everybody who saw this beetle first was the opinion it is a Harpalus.
Ciao Klaas
P.S.: By the way: if it is for interrest you can send beetles over for identification after you asked for it. I need to have the time for the id. |
Modificato da - Klaas Reißmann in data 22 aprile 2012 10:32:48 |
Utente Super
Città: Napoli
Prov.: Napoli
Regione: Campania
11878 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |
Inserito il - 22 aprile 2012 : 15:35:50
Thanks Klaas for precise clarifications. In time I will learn to distinguish them.
Verrà il giorno in cui uccidere un animale sarà considerato un delitto al pari di uccidere un uomo. (Leonardo da Vinci) |
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