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Elvaa Aurion
Utente V.I.P.

Città: Rocca Di Caprileone
Prov.: Messina

Regione: Sicilia

379 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 07 aprile 2012 : 13:52:59 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Hallo Klaas!
I apologize to be so late to answer you. It has be one hell of a week! Anyway, here I am now.
I think you're right: once you learn something, it must be impossible to remove it completely from your mind! The human brain is meant to gain all sort of informations... maybe some of them end up in a "remote drawer" sometimes, but they can't just disappear, right?

Personally, I like everything that is "old fashioned" and I find the archaic language particularly evocative... but that's just me. Well, at least, it's perfect for my gothic/macabre tales, which remind me that I have to work on one of them before my publisher run after me with a baseball bat! Just jocking, but I'm really late. He doesn't pay me, so it's not a real job... but I wish it was.

Woah, the cornfield was also a golfballfield after the harvest!
800 is an impressive number. If each was 0,50 pond I guess that in the end, the profit was still good... but since I'm terrible with math, I can't really tell how much.

Oh, I have news of our little fellow: the Plathyrhinus resinosus!
I met it again some days ago... I'm sure it was the same of the first photos, because I left it around the outern stairs. Anyway, I think I found out where it came from. It's not the pine, but the lemontree! I foun a lot of mushrooms at its feet, and also, the wood is a little rotten so I came to the conclusion that this was the perfect place for those insects to breed.

Here are some new shoots. Alright, I'm leaving now. I wish you and your family an Happy Easter! (Ostern, right?)
Bye bye!

Che cos''è?!? Platyrhinus resinosus (Anthribidae)
160,85 KB

Che cos''è?!? Platyrhinus resinosus (Anthribidae)
152,68 KB

Che cos''è?!? Platyrhinus resinosus (Anthribidae)
193,3 KB

Che cos''è?!? Platyrhinus resinosus (Anthribidae)
161,57 KB

†Elvaa Aurion†

Non riuscendo ad affermarsi nel mondo, decise che il suo posto è in un anti-mondo del quale sarà signora incontrastata
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Klaas Reißmann
Utente Senior

Città: Kamp-Lintfort, Nordreno-Vestfalia

Regione: Germany

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Inserito il - 07 aprile 2012 : 15:44:51 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Hallo Elena,

I wondered about the crosses left and right of your nickname, but I guess you're gothic!? But what do you mean with "old fashioned"? Do you mean it the way it should be meant, old style, or do you mean another way?

I guess the farmer earns some good money by selling the balls, but I never tried to get it. it is difficult to foind out, because he never sells them all and maybe at the end he sells them cheaper or what ever. But he wouldn't do it, if is wasn't good money.

I wish I could chop down the lemon tree. I'm sure I would find a lot of beetles in the would and the funghus. Beetles I surely will love very much. ;) It's because I'm beetleholic. ;) But that sounds better than the pine tree, even a lemon tree is not really where we find it around here. But there are always differences and what ever you do know about beetles in your area can be totaly wrong in another area.

The best wishes for Eastern to you and your family, too. Yes, Ostern is right and we say "Frohe Ostern". ;)


P.S.: Don't mind it take you a bit longer to answere. I haven#t been here for almost a week, because I had a computer crash (hardware problem). At least I bought a new PC.
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