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 A new book on centipedes and other books on this subject
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Utente Junior

Città: Nice

Regione: France

48 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 17 luglio 2010 : 13:11:44 Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

Dear all,

A new book on centipedes is available since May 2010. This book allow to identify all the French centipedes of the order Lithobiomorpha (64 species and 4 subspecies) and is also very useful for adjacent countries as Italy, particularly northern Italy. The text is in French but it contain many colored pictures and black and white figures to simplify the use of the identification keys. The book include also an initiation to the morphology and to the ecology of Lithobiomorpha, and the distribution of all the French lithobiomorphs inside France. Here is the complete reference :

-IORIO E., 2010. - Les Lithobies et genres voisins de France (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha). Révision de plusieurs espèces méconnues et nombreux apports inédits à la connaissance du genre Lithobius Leach, 1814. Avec une clé des familles, des genres et de toutes les espèces de l’ordre. Supplément au tome XIX de R.A.R.E. : 1-104.

You will find a complete description of the contents here :

The book can be ordered here :

I take the opportunity of this msg to recall some useful identification books and papers on the other orders of centipedes in southern Europe :

For the Geophilomorpha :

-BROLEMANN H. W., 1930. – Eléments d'une faune des myriapodes de France. Chilopodes. Faune de France, 25. Imprimerie Toulousaine, Toulouse; P. Lechevalier, Paris : 405 pp.
(in french and old but very useful also for italian geophilomorphs. Warning : too much old for the other centipedes ! Link for the free PDF here : Link(FdeFr25)Myriapodes-Chilopodes.pdf)
-MATIC Z., 1972. – Fauna Republicii Socialiste România – Clasa Chilopoda, subcl. Epimorpha. Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 6 (2) : 1-224. (in rumanian ! But all the same useful for geophilomorphs. Sometimes available on internet bookshops specialized on natural sciences or entomology)
-STOEV P., 2002. - A Catalogue and Key to the centipedes (Chilopoda) of Bulgaria. Pensoft Publishers, Series Faunistica, 25, Sofia—Moscow, 103 pp. (available here : Link)
-There are also several recent revisions on some geophilomorph genus but it will be too long to quote all these references.

For the Scolopendromorpha :

-IORIO E. & GEOFFROY J.-J., 2008. – Les scolopendromorphes de France (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha) : identification et distribution géographique des espèces. Riviera scientifique, 91 : 73-90. (it is also very useful for Italy. Available and can be ordered here : Link)(nota : the bulletin has been published in january 2008 but it is the 2007 bulletin, n°91 !)
-AKKARI N., STOEV P. & LEWIS J.G.E., 2008. - The scolopendromorph centipedes (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha) of Tunisia: taxonomy, distribution and habitats. Zookeys,3 : 77-102. (several tunisian species are not present in Italy and France, but it is all the same a beautiful paper, and available here gracefully ! : Link)

With the reading of all these references, a binocular magnifier and with a little of persistence, centipedes will become easily approachable to the italian naturalist .

Best regards,
PS : it will be useful to place this message "in rilievo"... Thank you per advance for this.

Modificato da - cingulata in Data 17 luglio 2010 13:32:06

Utente Junior

Città: roma
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Inserito il - 29 luglio 2010 : 21:57:09 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
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Moderatore Trasversale

Città: roma

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32778 Messaggi
Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 29 luglio 2010 : 23:31:29 Mostra Profilo Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Mercy beaucoup, Etienne!
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