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from Cyprus: Tenebrionidae Stenosini: cfr. Stenosis sp.

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Stampato il: 12 gennaio 2025


Autore Discussione: Mycologistman
Oggetto: from Cyprus: Tenebrionidae Stenosini: cfr. Stenosis sp.
Inserito il: 02 maggio 2018 17:47:37

After 10 years I have recently returned from leading my last natural history tour to the north of Cyprus. I had made the decision before I went that I must retire from tour leading as my mobility and manual dexterity are such that I risk becoming a liability to groups as well as to myself. I have a number of beetle species which I collected (under permit) and photographed this year and would be grateful for any help with the identifications of these if possible. This species (c 6mm) was found under bark of Eucalyptus at Gasimaguza (Famagusta) Freshwater Lake on 8 April 2018. I think it might be Dichillus sp but would be very grateful for confirmation or correction of this and if possible a species identification. I do have the specimen.

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Autore Risposta: Chalybion
Inserita il: 03 maggio 2018 15:32:02

It's Stenosis sp., Tenebrionidae Stenosini, many species similar but I don't know the local fauna of them.

Autore Risposta: Mycologistman
Inserita il: 03 maggio 2018 16:41:14

Many thanks again Giorgio. Your help with this as on so many of my queries is really greatly appreciated.


Autore Risposta: Chalybion
Inserita il: 03 maggio 2018 17:00:46

I see that the only Stenosis in Cyprus in Faunaeur is Stenosis sulcata Miller, endemic, 1861 but this is only a further info. Other Stenosis are present in Aegean area, so not so far.

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