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Oggi è giovedì 18 luglio 2024

Eventi per
sabato 15 febbraio 2014

Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2014
ricevo e inoltro

We are thrilled to announce that the Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium 2014 will be taking place at the Zoological Society of London’s Huxley Lecture Theatre on 10th and 11th May. Registration now open!

This two-day meeting will feature plenary and student talks on the topic of applied amphibian conservation research, in addition to fascinating poster sessions (great prizes to be won for best talks and posters). The registration fee includes access to ZSL London Zoo, lunch, and tea & coffee sessions (3 per day!).

Registration fees are being offered at the much-reduced rate of £35 student fee and £50 full fee, with a 10% discount for all BHS members.

The final call for poster and talk abstracts will end on 11th April, and the registration deadline is 25th April.

To register or submit an abstract please see the following website for further details: Link

The conference dinner will be held at the nearby Edinboro Castle on Saturday the 10th May. The first 50 people to book can enjoy the dinner in a special reserved area of the pub, although there is also plenty of room for everyone else in the spacious beer garden (which features both shelters and outdoor heating if necessary!).

The Symposium will take place from approximately 10am-5pm on 10th May and 10am-3pm on 11th May, leaving time for optional activities on Sunday, such as seeking out amphibians in adjacent Regent’s Park with FrogLife, and an Amphibian and Reptile House tour with the ZSL Herpetology Department. And of course, a trip to the pub is also scheduled!

Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested in attending this event.

We look forward to seeing you in May!

All the very best,

ACRS 2014

Inserito da Stefano Doglio Rispondi

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