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Dicranopalpus (m?) da Usini No 197 - nuovo per la Sardegna

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Stampato il: 18 luglio 2024


Autore Discussione: torecanu
Oggetto: Dicranopalpus (m?) da Usini No 197 - nuovo per la Sardegna
Inserito il: 22 gennaio 2013 17:57:38

Fotografato a Usini nel mio giardino, dimensione ca.2 mm. Potrebbe trattarsi di Mitostoma chrysomelas?


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Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 22 gennaio 2013 17:58:20


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Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 22 gennaio 2013 17:58:44


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Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 22 gennaio 2013 17:59:07


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Autore Risposta: Lars Friman
Inserita il: 22 gennaio 2013 21:01:41

Moin Salvatore,
no, this should be something like Dicranopalpus. I think it is still juvenil, but (a.m.o.) it is not D. ramosus (eventhough it looks like "Zorro") and it can't be the endemic (?) Dicranopalpus gasteinensis.
Very interesting, is it still alive? In 3 months we will find the adults! I send a mail to Axel.
Lars Friman

Autore Risposta: Lars Friman
Inserita il: 22 gennaio 2013 21:11:55

Moin Salvatore,

so I have checked the species of Dicranopalpus. There are several species that I don't. Some of them could be of interest:

Dicranopalpus brevipes I. Marcellino, 1974
Dicranopalpus dispar M. Rambla, 1967
Dicranopalpus insignipalpis (Simon, 1879) (Corsica)
Dicranopalpus larvatus (Canestrini, 1874) (Italy)
Dicranopalpus pulchellus Rambla, 1960

I'll check them.

Lars Friman

Autore Risposta: Lars Friman
Inserita il: 24 gennaio 2013 20:43:01


in the literatur avilable for me, there is not much to find about the different species of Dicranopalpus. Anyway, I think that the species D. larvatus (Canestrini, 1874, = Liodes larvatum, see also Szalay 1950:9) and D. brevipes Marcellino 1970 (see Marcellino 1970: 297-300, figs. 4E-D, 5A-B) are good candidates. The alpin species D. bibrachiatus L. Koch (in Canestrini 1872:13, tab. 2, fig 4) should be a synonym for D. gastainensis.

Lars Friman

Autore Risposta: Axel
Inserita il: 25 gennaio 2013 20:21:11

Hi Tore,
Congratualtion! This seems to be the first record of a Dicranopalpus from Sardinia. There are other records around Italy, although they seem extremely rare.
Three "names" (if "good" species?) are to be considered:

Dicranopalpus brevipes Marcellino, 1970: From Sicily, but the description, especially the coloration and the proportion of the palps does not match.

D. insignipalpis Simon, 1879: Used for animals from Corsica and was my best bet, as there are certainly connections to that fauna and Sardinia. But it seems proportion of the palps is different and coloration does not match.

D. larvatus Canestrini, 1874: From Italy, Calabria and Abruzzo, but I don't have the original description. Roewer redescribes it, but I am not sure if the identity of his material is reliable. Yet the description, especially the blackisch coloration matches somehow, so it could be this. The palps are different, but maybe we compare the wrong gender.

The last option is an new endemic for Sardinia (although the word endemic seems to trouble some people here...). I actually think it is a male, for the strong and contrasting coloration. Please preserve it so we can look at it later, material for comparison with at least D. insignipalpis is present in Mainz. It is a very valuable finding in any case! If you can find some more, maybe even females, that would be great!

Autore Risposta: Cmb
Inserita il: 25 gennaio 2013 20:51:48

Thanks Axel for your statement - Sardinia was always good for surprises!

Grazie Tore, per il tuo ritrovimento - spero per una sorpresa!

Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 25 gennaio 2013 22:19:06

Dear Axel, Clemens and Lars,
are particularly thrilled by this discovery, he is now well preserved in alcohol and place in freezer. As soon as possible I will provide to send it to Axel, along with the other samples I have in the freezer of Anelasmocephalus brignolii, Scotolemon terricola/doriae? and Metaphalangium propinquum.

Regards Salvatore

Autore Risposta: Axel
Inserita il: 26 gennaio 2013 08:51:51

Thanks Tore, thats great!
I dug a little more and found that Chemini (1986) commented on the types of larvatus. This should enable to compare your's and Roewers's material, if your's is really a male (I bet, as in many species males have this very much shorter branch of the palps).
Cheers and keep up the good searching!!

Autore Risposta: Cmb
Inserita il: 26 gennaio 2013 09:52:34

Si dice, che qualche volta si ha la fortuna da ritrovare un secondo esemplare, quando ch'è il desiderio - vedi

Autore Risposta: Lars Friman
Inserita il: 26 gennaio 2013 22:42:05

Moin all (and thanks to Axel),
as is, I quess, already known, we (several arachnologist from Sardinia, Hungary, Malta and Germany) are having an arachnological-excursion on Sardinia from the 25.04.2013 to 06.05.2013 with Salvatore Canu. During the excursion we try to find as much as possible spiders and harvestmen typical for Sardinia. The results will be published shortly after the excursion as a row of papers named something like "new and known arachnida from Sardinia, part I to ??". The part I will be about the "Lacinius horridus" found by Salvatore Canu.
Lars Friman

Autore Risposta: Axel
Inserita il: 07 febbraio 2013 08:12:46

Hi Tore,
this is a male! Very nice. I will be able to get the comparative material next week.
Oh, and to comment on the earlier post by Clemens: It may be that Sardinia is good for surprises, but it always takes distinguished collectors with a sharp eye and good sense for nature to draw all these rare species Tore is sharing with us here. Thanks so much Tore!

Autore Risposta: Lars Friman
Inserita il: 01 agosto 2013 15:14:42

Moin Axel,
was ist der letzte Stand Deiner Untersuchugen zu dem
Canu-Dicranopalpus aus Sardinien?
Lars Friman

Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 10 gennaio 2015 23:04:33

Ciao a tutti, credo che questo sia della stessa specie, fotografato oggi 10/01/2015 a Usini poco distante da dove è stato fotografato il primo esemplare di questo post. Ho trovato diversi esemplari.



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Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 10 gennaio 2015 23:05:10


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Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 10 gennaio 2015 23:05:59


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Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 10 gennaio 2015 23:06:34


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Autore Risposta: torecanu
Inserita il: 10 gennaio 2015 23:08:13


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Autore Risposta: Lars Friman
Inserita il: 14 gennaio 2015 14:05:01

Moin Salvatora,
great pics as allways! I contact You per eMail.
Lars Friman

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